Michael Newell
I remember all those great smells, like the tests that were printed with ditto ink! Remember that purple stuff that
stunk up the classroom? It was always never quite dry and when you sniffed it you would get a purple stain on your
nose. I also remember paper drives and that cheap twine they used to tie the bundles of papers together with...That
smelled good too! There was always stiff competition between classrooms, and you always thought your class was "big
stuff" if they got the blue ribbon. I remember Thursday screenings of those 16mm educational films in the auditorium, French
lessions on television in black and white, cigar boxes to hold all your school supplies, the great smells of
freshly sharpened pencils and used erasers (ok...I'm very olfactory)...All those wonderful sights, sounds and smells bring
back memories of La Salle, for me .